Jenna WestJenna WestJenna WestJenna West

Tempted: Part Five

Book 5: Forbidden Billionaire Series

About the Book

Leslie and Jake’s story continues … read a sneak peak from Part 5:


I’m going for a job interview tomorrow.” Austin walked over to the little garden we had out back and took a seat on one of the lounge chairs and I followed suit.

“A job interview,” he asked, sitting up to look at me properly. “Where?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Come on, I don’t like surprises. Where’s the job?” He started laughing, and I scowled at him. Of all things, I didn’t expect him to smile.

“Why are you laughing?” I demanded. If only he knew what was really going on.

“Because I’m excited. I am happy you left that dump and are taking a real shot in the corporate world,” he said. His back shook with another laugh. I quirked an eyebrow. Okay, this was starting to get annoying.

“Well, I loved working in that dump and I’m going to miss it,” I told him. “I don’t understand your guys’ problem with that place. I had a steady paycheck, dental, retirement, the whole works.”

He glanced at me.

“By guys, do you mean Jake? What is going on with you two? If he tries anything funny with you, I swear I’ll murder him.”

I dropped my head avoiding eye contact, not knowing what to say. I had to be careful with my words around Austin. One wrong word and he would figure everything out.

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The Details

Published: March 2, 2023
Publisher: Jenna West
Formats: Ebook
Genres & Tropes
Billionaire Romance, Forbidden Romance, Contemporary Romance, Forbidden Love, Brother's Best Friend